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Rhodes Joinery & Building Services Ltd Data Protection Policy

The easy bit

  • We never sell your personal data
  • We only use your personal data for work purposes in completing a job for the customer obtaining payment or paying for goods/services from suppliers
  • We only retain your data for work purposes and do not keep it longer than necessary
  • We do not send unsolicited emails or make unsolicited phone calls for marketing purposes
  • We only share your data (Name, address) with our staff for work purposes or suppliers to deliver goods in relation to work we are completing for you

The in depth bit

Rhodes Joinery & Building Services Limited, as Data Controller, is committed to ensuring its compliance with the requirements of the law governing the management and storage of Personal Data (as defined below), which is set out in the UK’s Data Protection Act and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR). We recognise the importance of Personal Data to our business and the importance of respecting the privacy rights of individuals. We will make decisions on how your data is stored and processed in accordance with applicable laws.

Compliance with the GDPR is overseen by the UK data protection regulator which is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Rhodes Joinery is accountable to the ICO for its data protection compliance.

Annalee Scott will be the Data Controller for Rhodes Joinery & Building Services Ltd.

The GDPR is intended to protect the rights and privacy of individuals and to ensure that data about them is not processed without their knowledge and, wherever possible, is processed with their consent.  Whilst the GDPR covers Personal Data relating to individuals, you should bear in mind that if you handle personal details of, for example, officers of companies, this will still constitute Personal Data and therefore be subject to the GDPR’s requirements.

It should be noted that the business is authorised to process data connected to staff administration, advertising and marketing, keeping accounts and records and the sale of goods and services. Anyone who is, or intends Processing data for purposes not included in the business’s entitlements should seek advice from the Data Controller.

Rhodes Joinery & Building Services Ltd will be the processor of any personal data that you supply, either via the Rhodes Joinery website, Social media accounts or via direct contact. This means that they will make the decisions on how your data is used and for what reasons.

Why do we need your data?

  • To contact you regarding services you have procured or are negotiating to procure
  • To procure and/or pay for goods and/or services from you

Our legal basis for collecting this data is:

  • You consent to providing it to us
  • Rhodes Joinery & Building Services need to use this to enter into a contract with you or maintain an existing one

What types of personal data will Rhodes Joinery use?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact telephone number and email address
  • Bank details

Who will Rhodes Joinery & Building Services share your data with?

  • Rhodes Joinery & Building Services Ltd website is hosted by Xcel Consultancy Ltd.
  • Rhodes Joinery uses Outlook email and document services for administration. For further information please see the Outlook Privacy Policy.

If you choose to send requests or data via our website or email, this data will be protected by the above-mentioned company privacy policies and the Rhodes Joinery & Building Services Ltd privacy policy.

Personal Data may be legitimately disclosed where one of the following conditions applies:

  • The individual has given their consent (e.g. consenting to us speaking to a named third party);
  • Where disclosure is in the legitimate interests of the business (e.g. disclosure to other staff members);
  • Where the business is legally required to disclose the data.

 The GDPR contains some exemptions in respect of disclosures. If we are contacted by:

  • the Police
  • any government department asking for information about customers

Retention and Disposal of Data

The business will not retain Personal Data for longer than necessary.

Data for customers is generally retained for six years in order to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

Disposal of Records: all Personal Data must be disposed of in a way that protects the rights and privacy of Data Subjects (e.g. shredding).


What rights do I have regarding my personal data that Rhodes Joinery & Building Services Ltd holds?

  • You have the right to be informed on how we use your data
  • You have the right of access to your data
  • You have the right to correct data if it is wrong
  • You have the right to ask for your data to be deleted
  • You have the right to restrict use of the data we hold
  • You have the right to data portability
  • You have the right to object to Rhodes Joinery & Building Services Ltd using your data

Are there any consequences of not providing the requested data?

Rhodes Joinery & Building Services Ltd may not be able to contact you regarding services you are interested in.

Will there be any automated decision making using my data?


Who can I contact if I have concerns about the use of my personal data?

Please contact Rhodes Joinery and Building Services Ltd data controller [email protected]

Direct Marketing

We do not undertake direct marketing to our customers.

Use of CCTV

To assist with the security of Rhodes Joinery & Building Services Ltd business premises, CCTV cameras have been installed. in order to ensure your privacy, the CCTV cameras will not record sound and so your conversations will not be recorded. CCTV footage can only be viewed and administered by the Director, Brett Rhodes or one of the managers. CCTV footage will be used for assisting the appropriate authorities in investigating and/or prosecuting any actual or potential criminal act against the business or our Staff.

The use of your data for marketing purposes

The use of your personal data in connection with letting you know about our products/services:

Rhodes Joinery & Building Services Ltd do not send unsolicited emails to our customers regarding products and services. We will only send out information to you about our products and services if requested by a customer.  Your personal data will not be shared with any third party.  We never sell personal data. We may sometimes use photographs of the work we have completed for a customer to advertise the type of work we do and/or update our customer base on social media (Facebook and Twitter) and/or our website.  In these instances we never give out names or addresses and make sure your identity is protected at all times.  If you would prefer us not to show the work we have completed for you, please let us know by emailing [email protected] at the time we are completing the work for you.

If you require further information on your rights, please do contact us.

You may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate or, at any time, opt out of being contacted as you may have indicated above.

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